O.S - Iris






In Egyptian mythology, one of the principal deities. Originally the local god of Abydos and Busiris, Osiris, who represented the male productive force in nature, became identified with the setting sun. Thus he was regarded as the ruler of the realm of the dead in the mysterious region below the western horizon. Osiris was the brother and husband of Isis, goddess of the earth and moon, who represented the female productive force in nature. According to legend, Osiris, as king of Egypt, found his people plunged in barbarism and taught them law, agriculture, religion, and other blessings of civilization. He was murdered by his evil brother, Set, who tore the body to pieces and scattered the fragments. Isis found and buried his scattered remains, however, and each burial place was thereafter revered as sacred ground. Their son Horus, sired by a temporarily regenerated Osiris, avenged his father's death by killing Set and then ascended the throne. Osiris lived on in the underworld as the ruler of the dead, but he was also, through Horus, regarded as the source of renewed life.


Meine Person




Geboren 1955 Hamburg
Hochschulreife Abschluß
Ausbildung als Photolaborant
Ausbildung zum Möbeltischler
Ausbildung zum Industriekaufmann
Vater schon mit 16mm Film gearbeitet
Später selbst mit Super-8 und Hi-8 gefilmt
Seit Jahren Eventfilme mit DV-Mini + Bearbeitung
Erster Kontakt mit dem PC war der C-16 und Amiga
Danach mit Macintosh geliebäugelt, aber dann doch PC
Intensives Hobby war Tauchen mit Unterwasserfilmkamera
Ansonsten Rennradfahren, Motorboot, Landrover Club, Golfen
Skifahren / Abfahrt, Eishokey, Bergwandern, Outdoor u. Zelten
Beliebte Reiseziele: Norwegen/Schweden - Elba/Korsika - Indien
Seit einigen Jahren starkes Interesse an der Malerei entdeckt
Mit 14 Jahren auf der "Suche nach Wahrheit" und Bewußtheit

Olaf Schäfer - Im Fuhrenkamp 11 - 27801 Dötlingen

Telefon: 04433 - 968 968     Mobil: 0172 - 420 72 13

 © 2003 by Ihr Osiris • plasma7@freenet.de

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